Standing On The Paper

Standing On The Paper


In GNCT lecture in previous week we had to perform a small but very useful as well as a funny activity. It was "Standing On The Paper". First we were divided into five teams and each team had 7 members. Then our lecturer gave us a paper for above mentioned activity & then gave rules of this game.

They are,

  • All members in the particular team must stand on the paper and can not touch the floor.
  • Can not tear the paper.
  • After standing on the paper we had to do some tasks that our lecturer said to do.
After game was started, in the first round two teams were eliminated from the game, because they their papers were teared.


Each team tried new thing to stand on the paper.
After first round then the paper was folded into half and selected teams had to stand on that new structured paper.
In this round our team was eliminated. That was because our paper was damaged. 

In the final round of the game it was very hard to stand on that paper because again the given paper was folded into two. But however one team won the contest with their own strategies. 
This was very entertaining and very good activity. We all had a fabulous moment with this activity.
The good useful points which we got from this activity are,
  • Time management
  • How to adapt to the situation
  • How work with co members in the group 
  • Team spirit
  • How to give individual co-operation 
After activity was ended lecturer discussed above facts with us and then discussed the how above facts affected to individual group.



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