Lava River

Lava River

On 25th of October for GNCT we had a task called Lava River. It is a game totally different with other games that we did previous days in GNCT. Mrs. Sarasi Senadeera divided us into four groups with each contains five members and we were asked to follow these rules.

  •  keep our feet always on the stones that were provided us.
  • there are lava around the stones and we can not step on lava. If we step on lava ew have to give up the game.
  • we have to go from one bank to another bank of lava river by using stones.

We have provided only four stones for each group and we have to manage given time to complete the task. Unfortunately we lost the game because we had no enough stones to cross the lava river but we got second place in this game. 
Then we discussed learning outcomes and can mention those as making good stratergy, team working, managing time and limited resources and also tollerance.
Not only those but also we had lot of fun through this activity.


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