Egg Cover Game

Egg Cover Game

                          In last GNCT lecture on Thursday we did two games. Egg cover game is one of them. It is a architectonic and very funny game. We were given only one egg, papers and sellotape for  doing this game. We had to bring a egg and others are given by Lecturer.

There are five group for did this game that day and there are 6 members for one team. Also all teams had 3 boys and 3 girls. The main purpose of the game is protect the egg form cover the egg by using the paper. Our Lecturer give 30 minutes complete the game. We had to think most appropriate cover during the game. We decide to make a cover like a cone that is following.

                      After we made the cover we named it as Egg Star. And also other team made different type of covers  like this.
                      Then lecturer throw the covers with eggs and checked that what were the protected. One team could not protect their egg. However we have to protect our egg. As well as one member had to explain their activities of each teams.
                       Also we should tell we had to get many benefits from this game. following are some of them.
                  * Time management
                  * Architectonic imagination
                  * How to work teams and share our ideas with others (Communication ability)
                  * Tolerate other ideas and getting the most suitable idea for a occasion.


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