Culture was the topic for this week's PPD session. First we had a discussion on culture, like what is culture and from what it is made of. Culture : the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively. This is the dictionary meaning which was given to the word 'Culture'. Simply the Culture is  people's behavior, customary beliefs, social forms, material traits and norms found in human societies.

For the activity of this we were divided into two groups by our madam. We had to create an activity according to a new culture. The activity should contain a name to the country, a specific language according to the culture, an anthem, a dance and a song. Madam gave us time to discuss with the group members and create those above mentioned aspects of our culture.

We first discussed on the language. We took the word 'Houba Pipi' as the base words of our language. We took that words as the base words of our language with the influence of the cartoon series - Marsupilami. And our country's name is Houbapipiland. For the song and anthem we took two melodies of two songs and used the words 'Houba Pipi' as the substitute of the original words of the song. And we made a dance for the song which suits for the culture.

The other group also had made a nice activity. That was a wedding ceremony which was following their culture. They had their own rituals at the wedding according to the culture.

From this activity we had a clear idea on what are the main aspects of a culture.


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